Dan and Phil know firsthand that time flies when you’re busy being Dad AF. No, literally, they’re actual dads. Well, not actual dads, but dads to a lovely Sim who just turned one year old. That basically counts.

That’s right, Dil Howlter just turned one! WOW. Who would’ve guessed that someone who broke every dish he literally ever washed and got electrocuted by radios would make it through a whole year of life. But he did it!


Here are some of our favorite Dil memories to commemorate this happy occasion.



The time he was birthed into the world.

Oh, the fateful day when Dan and Phil decided to combine all their features into virtual character who would have Phil’s Shakira hips, Dan’s emo black bunny slippers, and the clumsiness of both the guy who has a scar from falling up an escalator and the guy who tried to make a bowl of cereal but ended up smashing the bowl into a million pieces and getting cereal in the washing machine. He was set up for a great life.


The time Dil’s dads built him a dream home.

It wasn’t easy, it wasn’t symmetrical, and it definitely wasn’t perfect, but nevertheless, Dil seemed pretty happy underneath the owl slide. Yeah, they completely redid it a few months later, but it’s the thought that counts.


The time Dil got Christmas AF.

Not only did Dil experience his first Christmas, but he threw a successful dinner party that very same day! IT’S A CHRISTMAS MIRACLE. All of Dil’s acquaintances and exes showed up to get turnt and celebrate the season, and Dan and Phil left a special present underneath the tree.


The time Dil had his first kiss.

He actually did it. He actually used his dads’ weird flirting advice and got his first kiss while an awkward man watched from a nearby chessboard. I mean, what do you expect? Dil and Tabitha have gone on to have a beautiful relationship complete with double date camping trips and steamy hip grabs. Could they be soulmates?! Probs.


Happy birthday to our favorite aspiring mixologist. Here’s to more years! Tweet us your fave Dil memories. @FakeTeamFangirl



Katie Wingfield is a Co-Founder of TeamFangirl.com. Her favorite band is Mirror Butt. @Katie_Wingfield